San Francisco Burden of Disease & Injury Study:
Determinants of Health
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MEDLINE Search Strategies: Physical Inactivity

This is where we will figure out search strategies for evidence to support of estimates of population attributable fractions, search strategies to substantiate causal web links, and search strategies for prevention.Papers concerning physical inactivity are indexed under the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) exercise. For example, you search under "exercise[mesh] AND n engl j med" (without quotation marks), you will find recent evidence (preconstructed search) about the importance of physical activity as published in the New England Journal of Medicine. [Note that these preconstructed searches on this page are links to the search strategy, not the static results, so the results will always be current.]

Downstream Effects of Physical Inactivity

We can use the Surgeon General's Report on Physical Inactivity and Health (though this was published in 1996) to get an idea of where to look for the main outcomes. These can then be expanded, based on more recent data. Here are some important outcomes, by common name(s) and MeSH:


exercise is MeSH. For the outcomes below, use the National Library of Medicine's MeSH Browser to find the most useful terms (MeSH terms)

death, mortality, years of life lost


coronary heart disease

myocardial ischemia (encompasses narrower MeSH, such as coronary disease or myocardial infarction or angina pectoris)


diabetes mellitus, non-insulin-dependent (note that there are different MeSH for diabetic-related health problems, such as diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathies, diabetic foot, etc...see the broad MeSH diabetes mellitus for links to these)

high blood pressure, hypertension


high cholesterol

hypercholesterolemia (note that hyperlipidemia is broader)

overweight, excess body weight

body mass index is often useful

obesity (a pathologic condition)


breast cancer

breast neoplasms

colon cancer

colonic neoplasms



Note also, many of the above outcomes are major indications for drug therapy, which accounts for 15-20% of health care costs. Specific pathways could be mapped.

Contribution to Overall Burden (Attributable Burden)

To make this calculation, we need to determine both relative risk and prevalence:


MeSH (search with exercise)

relative risk

risk captures this concept ("risk assessment" is narrower but this may miss key studies)



population attributable risk

no close as word string with quotes ("population attributable risk")

Upstream Causes of Physical Inactivity

The Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) socioeconomic factors (which encompasses narrower concepts such as career mobility, educational status, employment, family characteristics, income, medical indigency, occupations, poverty, social change, social class, and social conditions -- several of which encompass still more specific MeSH) can be searched in MEDLINE for papers that are also indexed under the MeSH exercise. However, if we conduct the search exercise[MeSH] AND "socioeconomic factors"[MeSH], we find many hundreds of papers...too many to be useful and many of which touch only parenthetically on either exercise or socioeconomic factors.

There are several alternative approaches. For example, the above search strategy (which is very broad) could be limited to papers that were published in the Am J Public Health. This produces an interesting list of papers that most public health workers can read without a special trip to the library.

Or, we could search under a MeSH that is more specific than socioeconomic factors (follow the link to see the possibilities).

Or, we could use another MeSH that is separate (in MeSH taxonomy) from socioeconomic factors, such as social environment. A search for exercise[MeSH] AND "social environment"[MeSH] finds another body of literature (though there is some overlap). To make this search more specific, these MeSH could be designated as the major topics of the papers.

What other social MeSH should be employed in researching the social determinants of physical inactivity?


Physical Inactivity


Contribution to overall disease burden in SF

Downstream (Health Consequences)

Upstream Causes

What can be done?

Web resources

MEDLINE strategies

Updated March 28, 2010

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