San Francisco Burden of Disease & Injury Study:
Determinants of Health
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Contribution of Physical Inactivity to SF Burden of Disease

The Population Attributable Fraction (PAF) for mortality is the proportional reduction in a specific cause of death that would have been expected if the population had no exposure to a specific determinant. It is calculated from the relative risk from exposure (RR) to the determinant and the prevalence of exposure to the determinant in the population (P), expressed as PAF = P(RR-1)/[P(RR-1) + 1]. Though it has limitations, PAF is an important measure for public health planning.

A reasonable first estimate of the PAF associated with physical inactivity is as follows:

Standard minimal guidelines for physical inactivity reduce all-cause mortality by about 25% (Lee & Skerrett, 2001), so the relative risk (RR) of inactivity risk is 1/0.75 = 1.33. Assuming that roughly 55% of Californians are physically inactive (see UCSF Physical Activity and Health Initiative page), the prevalence of exposure (P) might be 0.55. (Note, however, that prevalence varies widely with ethnicity and income.) In any case, assuming that P is 0.55,

PAF = P(RR-1)/[P(RR-1) + 1] = 0.55(1.33 - 1)/[ 0.55(1.33 - 1) + 1] = 15%

This suggests that the contribution of physical inactivity to all cause mortality is comparable to that of tobacco (the relative risk from smoking is larger, but its prevalence is smaller).

See also, MEDLINE strategies link on the right. The results of various studies might be tabulated on a worksheet.

See also, slides from a lecture by I-Min Lee, MD, ScD, Harvard Medical School & Harvard School of Public Health, entitled "Population Attributable Risk of No Physical Activity."


Physical Inactivity


Contribution to overall disease burden in SF

Downstream (Health Consequences)

Upstream Causes

What can be done?

Web resources

MEDLINE strategies

Updated Oct 28, 2002

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